If you’re SEOER, I’ll show you how to get started with the Google Search Console. And how to get the data.
Getting Started With the Google Search Console
1. Add Your Site to the Google Search Console
First, log in to the Google Search Console and click on “Add a Property”
Then, copy and paste your DOMAIN into the field.
Next, it’s time to verify your site.
What you should do is to sign in to your domain name provider (e.g. or
2. Link Google Analytics With Search Console
This was great for security. But it was a bummer for website owners.
Suddenly, priceless keyword data vanished from Google Analytics.
Instead, all we got was this:
There’s a simple way to get some of that keyword data back:
Link Google Analytics with your Google Search Console account.
Here’s how:
Open up your Google Analytics. Then, click the “Admin” button at the bottom of the left menu.
Click on the “Property Settings” link.
Scroll down until you see the “Adjust Search Console” button. Click it!
Click on “Add”. Scroll down until you find your website, check the box, and hit “Save”.
Let’s see what you get…
Landing pages with impression and click data:
Most importantly, you can get your keyword data:
It’s not perfect because half of the queries are listed as “Other”. But if you compare this to what you usually get from Analytics. You win.